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Cath Hayden
( Chair )

Ben Nelson-Smith


Joanne Akery 



Gemma Sardari


Andy Pugsley



Nichola Aldridge



Maxine Chavner  


Our Local Committee

Our Local Committee works as a sub-committee of the ACE Strategic Board. They are volunteers who are elected or appointed by parents, staff or the Strategic Board to ensure we deliver successful outcomes for our pupils by:


  • scrutinising strategy at local level

  • providing vital monitoring and reporting on Trust strategy

  • monitoring local stakeholder voice

  • acting as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher

  • they monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making both academically and within its community


​They meet as a committee and as part of our trust wide portfolio monitoring cycle around eight times per academic year. You can find out more about the work of Local Committees, what their remit is and how this contributes to the governance of our schools across ACE by visiting their website

 ACE - Academies for Character and Excellence or by reading the Scheme of Delegation here:​


We would be interested in hearing from you if you have the time to dedicate to this rewarding role on behalf of our school. Please contact our Clerk to the Governors in the first instance if you require more information.


Governor Details and Business Interests as of October 2023

Governor Attendance at Local Committees (for last academic year 2022-2023)

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