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Our values underpin how we live out our school mission.
They guide our choices, behaviours and our learning, allowing us to be the best versions of ourselves. 


Our school values are strongly linked to our school logo, this unites us in serving and understanding our unique community and demonstrates the great pride in its heritage which we are a part of.

We have passion 

We believe in what we learn and take great pride in sharing this with others. We are curious and seek knowledge. We are determined to achieve and be the best versions of ourselves.


We are honest 

We can make a difference in both our community and the wider world. We seek challenge and work hard to make things happen. We believe in following our dreams.




We show compassion 

We all belong to our community, we empathise with our peers and show a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for those stricken by misfortune. We support others and show forgiveness.

 Leadership   We inspire others 

We inspire others through our actions and achievements. We show integrity and authenticity in all that we do.


 We take responsibility 

We take responsibility for ourselves and our environment. We think about our actions and the impact they have. We know how to look after ourselves and think about both our own well-being and the well-being of those around us.

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