Religion & World Views – Our content, aims and concepts

Religion & World Views at Brixham
For more detailed information around our RWE curriculum, please go to our church school page on this website where you will find information around the agreed Devon and Torbay syllabus.
As a core subject, RWE is taught weekly in all classes. We take an enquiry based approach to this subject too, ensuring that whilst developing RWE knowledge and skills we are also developing character values and metacognitive strategies at the same time.
To develop children's understanding around different faiths and those of no faith, we often invite visitors to school and use places of worship locally and within Exeter to support children's learning.
Children also explore different religions and faiths as part of our cultural diversity work. We believe that it is essential that our children are curious around the beliefs of others and that this is essential to securing our outcomes of caring citizens who can create change in the world.